On October 13 th, 1997, the Author experienced a supernatural event (explained in Revealing The Bible’s Truth) that changed his life forever. Directed by GOD himself, he was told to write the three books listed above so that one can further understand the Holy Scriptures. Many of the mysteries that are contained within the Scriptures of the Holy Bible are revealed through the writing of these three books, and he also speaks of issues concerning the World’s destiny and also to one’s Spiritual Afterlife. Topics that he discusses are both wide and varied, including the Rapture, Great Tribulation, Alien Life, the Creation and life-cycle of the Universe, GOD, Angels and other fascinating topics. GOD has given all that is written in the three books to the Author, with its Truth being verifiable by the Holy Scriptures and through a mathematical equation of Holy Numbers. Ironically, the Author had never owned a Bible until 1997, and had no opinions whatsoever on the Word of God, and this is the way God intended for it to be, so HE could teach the Author without him having any preconceived notions of what the scriptures mean. The three books are truly a mesmerizing eye-opener that will leave the reader in awe. In summary, these books are free from any opinions and are the Inspired Word of GOD.
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